Healthcare Sep 02, 2020 07:49 PM (GMT+8) · EqualOcean
HC Medical, a Jiangsu-based medical device maker dedicated to brain science and health, closed Series A fundraising of multi-tens of millions Chinese yuan. It received the bankroll from the exclusive investor, Leaguer Capital, on September 1, 2020. Founded in 2016, the company has focuses on brain science and research in the near infrared spectrum (NIR) imaging for brain functions. By far, the company’s products are based on multiple disciplines, including neurosciences, psychology, physiology, human-brain function, rehabilitation science, mental disorder and other medical sciences. The medical diagnosis market for brain science research and bran functional diseases will become the global hot area in the next decade, at a market potential of over one trillion US dollars. The NIR imaging technology can directly resolve the pain in observing activities of brain functional diagnosis.