Consumer Staples Nov 13, 2020 03:44 PM (GMT+8) · EqualOcean
On November 13, the data released by mogujie showed that in 2020, Gmv of double 11 live broadcast increased by 82% over the same period of last year; the sales volume of double 11 platform was more than that of last year for 2 hours. This year, the average consumption per user of Shuang 11 mushroom street is 2.4 times of that of last year, and the average number of purchases per user is 1.86 times that of last year, and the maximum purchase amount of a single user is 133 items. During the "double 11" period, the average viewing time of mogujie users was 5.6 hours. At the same time, mushroom street also gave birth to "taoshukuai", the first anchor with a sales volume of more than 100 million yuan_ What about it.