Financials Dec 24, 2020 08:23 PM (GMT+8) · EqualOcean
Recently, the mixed science and technology funds of bojiashi and wanjiashi were cancelled. At the same time, Harvest Fund, Fuguo fund, Huaxia Fund, huitianfu fund and e-fonda fund successively issued announcements in December, announcing the opening of daily subscription, conversion and fixed investment business. A person from the public fund product department said that all along, the regulatory authorities have unified requirements for the science and technology innovation theme fund, with a scale cap of 1 billion yuan, and fund companies operate the fund under this requirement. We have kept close communication with the regulatory authorities on whether the fund scale limit can be relaxed. "Since a public fund company in Beijing issued an announcement, we have obtained confirmation from the auditors, and the regulatory authorities have cancelled the scale limit on the stock of science and technology innovation theme funds."