Jan 15, 2021 11:29 AM (GMT+8) · EqualOcean
Yiou health learned on January 15 that Ping'an Health Medical Technology Co., Ltd., an Internet health service platform, recently announced the establishment of an Internet infertility specialist center. The center brings together six well-known experts of fertility in China to provide online diagnosis and treatment services for patients. According to their own situation, patients can select their own famous medical experts in the segmentation field through the expert information of the Internet infertility specialist center displayed in Ping'an good doctor app, or they can consult the guiding doctor through Ping'an good doctor app to accurately match the experts who are good at the relevant segmentation field. The platform also has access to online and offline resources, so patients can conduct offline diagnosis and treatment according to their actual condition, and relevant hospitals can be appointed by experts, so patients can receive offline treatment in corresponding departments of the hospital.