Industrials Apr 02, 2021 04:20 PM (GMT+8) · EqualOcean
As the Qingming Festival holiday is approaching, the popularity of "light vacation" modes such as the tour around the city and the tour in the suburbs has soared, gradually becoming the first choice for people's outings. According to the forecast data of the economic daily, the number of Qingming and may day outings this year is expected to reach 100 million, and the scale of outings should not be underestimated. Data from an e-commerce platform also showed that since March, sales of children's products such as scooters, safety seats and portable milk bottles have increased by more than 200% year on year. It is reported that SF intra city express has reserved more than 2 million registered Knights nationwide, which can fully cover the distance demand of the outer suburbs in terms of transport capacity resources. At the same time, through planning the distribution of transport capacity in advance, intelligent distribution, matching Omni channel orders, and sufficient manpower deployment in key areas, we can reasonably divide the scope of knight service and quickly fill the service gap. In addition to intelligent and flexible dispatching, SF intra city express will automatically match the best route for riders, and implement visual route guidance for fine scenes such as mountains, rivers and highways, so that riders can find users in remote areas at the first time, realizing seamless connection between businesses and consumers. The consumers of outing cover a wide range of ages, and different distribution needs are involved in parent-child travel, elderly travel and couple travel. For example, the "baby walking artifact" such as the necessary baby carrying bottle needs the most security protection, while the outdoor barbecue, drinks and other food distribution should pay attention to the details such as temperature and taste. For a long time, SF intra city express has focused on creating high-quality and refined distribution services. Such service precipitation will also enable businesses to show a leading edge in the "marathon" of outing distribution.