Consumer Staples Jun 07, 2021 02:02 PM (GMT+8) · EqualOcean
Today, dada group's local real-time retail platform Jingdong Jiajia announced that it has recently intensively signed nearly 30 top 100 supermarkets and regional leading supermarkets, including Shanxi Meitehao, Hunan Xiangjiang department store, Gansu Dongfang Baijia, Xinjiang Youhao supermarket, Huijia times, haojiaxiang supermarket and Aijia supermarket. So far, Jingdong home has cooperated with 75 of the top 100 supermarket chains. While signing contracts to cooperate with more top 100 supermarkets and regional leading supermarkets, Jingdong home business is also expanding rapidly to seize the sinking market. At present, Xinjiang, Ningxia, Qinghai, Gansu, Shaanxi and other northwest provinces have been fully covered.
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