Consumer Staples Jul 08, 2021 01:01 PM (GMT+8) · EqualOcean
According to the data of hungry Mody, since the end of the college entrance examination on June 8, the number of group purchase orders in the local life service sector covering catering, food and entertainment has tripled month on month. In the same period, the number of orders for Hanfu shooting increased by 25% month on month, while the number of orders for karaoke and sports fitness increased by 60% month on month; The increase in the number of orders in secret room reached 200%. Oral care as the representative of the consumer medical industry, after 00 population growth of 30%, industry orders increased by more than 55%. The trade volume of beauty and manicure increased by more than 110% on a month on month basis. Face value consumption becomes the consumer responsibility of "post college entrance examination economy".
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