Industrials Sep 18, 2021 08:35 PM (GMT+8) · EqualOcean
Financial Associated Press, September 18 - the opinions on accelerating the development of Tianjin cruise industry recently released by the general office of Tianjin Municipal People's government mentioned that it will study the planning and construction of water general airport in Dongjiang Bonded Port Area, and develop new business forms such as tourism and flight experience. In terms of accelerating the construction of Tianjin international cruise home port, it will "improve the public transport system around Tianjin international cruise home port, increase public transport operation lines and frequency", "optimize and strengthen the sea air intermodal through train business for cruise passengers", "study the planning and layout of rapid rail transit in Tianjin international cruise home port", "Study the planning and construction of water general airport in Dongjiang Bonded Port Area, develop new business forms such as short-distance transportation, tourism, flight experience and maritime emergency rescue, and realize sea air linkage."