Financials Sep 18, 2021 10:36 PM (GMT+8) · EqualOcean
Financial Associated Press, September 18 - according to the news on the website of Shanghai Stock Exchange on September 18, recently, the second self regulatory committee for public offering of shares on the science and Innovation Board of Shanghai stock exchange held its first working meeting in 2021 to discuss the revision of the underwriting rules for the issuance of shares on the science and innovation board, analyze the possible market conditions before and after the revision, and study targeted measures to promote a smooth transition, And put forward industry advocacy suggestions. First, in order to encourage offline investors to regulate participation, make reasonable quotation and restrict irrational quotation behavior, it is suggested that after the preliminary inquiry, the proportion of excluding the highest quotation in the total amount to be purchased shall not exceed 3% and not be less than 1%. Second, to support the rational exercise of pricing rights by issuers and lead underwriters; Third, it is suggested that market participants further strengthen their awareness of standardization, responsibility and risk, abide by the rules and regulations, and firmly control the bottom line of compliance.