Financials Nov 19, 2021 06:58 AM (GMT+8) · EqualOcean
Financial Associated Press, November 19 (Xinhua) the equity of real estate enterprises once regarded as "sweet pastry" is being frequently sold by many insurance funds. Recently, Jindi group said that in the past two months, everyone life has reduced its shareholding in the company by 5%. This is not the first case that insurance capital reduced its holdings of real estate stocks this year. According to statistics, China life reduced its holdings of Vanke A and China Merchants Shekou in the first three quarters of this year; Taikang Life reduced its holdings of poly development and sunshine city; Harmonious and healthy reduction of Financial Street; Junkang life reduced its initial shares. It can be seen that the overall holdings of insurance capital in real estate stocks were reduced during the year. It is reported that China life has reduced its holdings of Vanke A for five consecutive quarters, and its shareholding ratio has decreased from 2.16% to 0.73%.
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