Dec 01, 2021 08:09 PM (GMT+8) · EqualOcean
Financial Associated Press, Dec. 1 (Xinhua) -- Huasen pharmaceutical announced that on December 1, 2021, the company signed a limited partnership agreement with Qianhai pilot, Ferris stone, cheer investment, pilot Xinghui, Hainan Yiyue, shangjinhua city and Chongqing Tiantai in Chongqing on the venture capital sub fund of the national scientific and technological achievements transformation guidance fund, Chongqing scientific and technological achievements transformation equity investment fund (limited partnership), Jointly invest in the establishment of Chongqing scientific and technological achievements transformation equity investment fund (limited partnership). When the partnership is established, the total capital contribution subscribed by all partners is RMB 272727300. Subsequently, it will continue to absorb more subscribed capital contributions from limited partners and apply for capital contributions from the national guiding fund for the transformation of scientific and technological achievements (the "Transformation Fund"), so that the total subscribed capital contribution of the partnership will not be less than RMB 2.1 billion. Huasen pharmaceutical, as a limited partner, subscribed a capital contribution of RMB 50 million.