Financials Dec 06, 2021 04:08 AM (GMT+8) · EqualOcean
Financial Associated Press, Dec. 6 (Reuters) - compared with the early influx of funds to new energy, cycle, military industry and other fields, near the end of the year, the preference of institutional investors has shifted, and the investment wind direction has quietly changed. Statistics show that in the past week, industries with strong gold absorption have turned to consumer and financial industries, and more than 5 billion yuan of funds have poured into relevant ETF funds. In the past week, more than 5 billion yuan has bought consumer and financial industries through ETF funds. According to wind statistics, as of December 1, in the past week, the funds for buying Tianhong CSI food and beverage ETF exceeded 1.9 billion yuan, which was the ETF fund with the largest inflow in the same period.