Financials Jan 16, 2022 04:49 PM (GMT+8) · EqualOcean
Financial Associated Press, January 16 - Ren Chunsheng, chairman of Shanghai insurance exchange, said at the global wealth management forum • Shanghai suhewan summit today that by building a catastrophe insurance operation platform, it will provide automatic underwriting, correction, sorting and settlement services for more than 40 catastrophe community member companies, At present, the relevant catastrophe insurance products on the platform have benefited 16.21 million urban and rural residential households, provided 630 billion yuan of risk insurance, and completed the settlement of 16961 claims. At the same time, he said that he would explore and launch catastrophe bond products in line with the characteristics of the domestic market, and promote the construction of a multi-level and cross regional disaster prevention and loss reduction governance system widely including catastrophe insurance, traditional catastrophe reinsurance, catastrophe bonds and other special risk dispersion mechanisms.