Automotive Mar 09, 2022 10:37 AM (GMT+8) · EqualOcean
Yiou automobile on March 9, Great Wall Motors released the production and sales data of February 2022 last night. Data show that the company sold 70800 new cars in the month, down 20% year-on-year; From January to February, the cumulative sales volume was 182600, a year-on-year decrease of 19.1%. Great Wall Motors said that the decline in sales was mainly due to the insufficient supply of relevant parts from Bosch, the exclusive supplier of body electronic stability system (ESP) configuration for the main model. Great Wall Motors is promoting Bosch and chip suppliers to jointly formulate an increase in production plan and strive to quickly solve the supply problem. In the same period, Haval brand sold 42000 new cars, including 19600 Haval H6, 7423 Haval big dogs and 5009 Haval beasts; The sales volume of Euler brand is 6261, including 4066 Euler good cats; The sales volume of Wei brand is 4432, including 2387 latte DHT; The 300 tanks under the tank brand sell 6468; The Great Wall pickup truck sells 11637 vehicles, including 8512 Great Wall guns. In 2022, Great Wall Motor's product matrix will continue to be refreshed, and many models such as tank 500, Euler ballet cat, Euler lightning cat and Euler punk cat will enter the market.
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