Technology May 18, 2022 02:25 PM (GMT+8) · EqualOcean
Apache pulsar commercialization company streamnational announced the release of a new product streamnational cloud for Kafka Ⓡ. This cloud native hosting service is built based on Apache pulsar and provides a fully compatible Kafka API implementation, which is not limited by Kafka. At the same time, streamnatural cloud for Kafka Ⓡ supports continuous low latency for millions of topics. While committed to building the Apache pulsar ecosystem, the streamnational R & D team is also vigorously developing diversified cloud products to enable customers to run fully hosted clusters in streamnational cloud or private cloud environments. The newly released product streamnatural cloud for Kafka Ⓡ simplifies the configuration process, enhances the network model, and helps to support the continuous improvement and development of Kop and streamnatural cloud. Streamnatural cloud for Kafka Ⓡ provides a fully managed Kafka API with all existing functions of Apache pulsar. In addition, streamnatural cloud for Kafka Ⓡ also takes advantage of pulsar's built-in multi tenant and cross regional replication functions.