Above aspects are based on what we currently have and there might be new industries coming due to the network’s upgrade. What could be more is yet to be discovered, but it is certain will be more than we can imagine.
Towers during sunset. Photo: Mario Caruso on Unsplash
The 2019 MWC was held from February 25 to 28 and Huawei published its 5G (the fifth-generation network technologies) white book, 5G Unlocks A World of Opportunities, to introduce 10 application scenarios. As the name of the white book suggested, the possible changes or even revolutions that might be brought by 5G are attractive and worth expectations.
The digitalization and the “Internet +” have been used in almost all aspects of our economy. The demand for data transmission speed emerged from the boost of data volume and computational capability request better fundamental infrastructure support. Yet being far from the landing of 5G’s commercial use, the 5G network tests are in progress and at the end of 2019, China can start regional 5G network tests and prepare for the commercial use of 5G.
Huawei graphed a map that the relativity between certain industries and the 5G network technologies and the top 10 industries are cloud-based AR/VR, internet of vehicles, smart manufacturing, smart energy, remote healthcare service, wireless home entertainment, connected drones, social network, personal AI assistant, and smart city. In this article, we select part of these 10 industries for further thinking.
5G’s enlarged bandwidth and transmission speed can support on-time cloud picture/CG rendering and allow dense data usage comparing to 4G. According to ABI Research, VR/AR’s market share will reach USD 292 billion (VR – USD 141 billion, AR – USD 151 billion) and telecom operators’ market share related to VR/AR might exceed USD 93 billion (over 30% of VR/AR market share).
Internet of vehicle is based on the improvements of the network has shown its attraction to the world for long. From map to media, onboard life has been changed greatly. Internet of vehicle can provide road safety and even more. The 5G network can assist ToD (teleoperated driving), autonomous driving, and formation driving. All these functions request a mega amount of data for computation and need to reflect computational data to the vehicle at a near-to-zero speed for taking actions and guaranteeing the road safety. 5G can compress the delay to 2~10 ms comparing current 50 ms provided by 4G. Changes brought by unmanned driving are beyond our imaging since human have driven the automobile for more than 150 years. It is mentioned that 5G-connected vehicles will be 50.3 million by 2025.
Smart manufacturing solutions are yet to be developed. 5G’s strengths include eMBB (enhanced Mobile Broadband), uRLLC (ultra Reliable Low Latency Communications), and mMTC (massive Machine Type Communication). eMBB can enable functions of the wireless industrial camera, industrial sensors, remote control, and marginal computation and analysis; uRLLC can support wireless and cloud PLC (Powerline Communication). 5G network’s bandwidth can allow machine arms or robots to manufacture simultaneously at the lowest delay so to enhance the accuracy and other properties that might be critical in the production process.
The smart devices enabled by AI based on 5G network could bring drastic changes to industries and people with disabilities. The Wi-Fi-supported smart devices are restricted to the coverage of Wi-Fi and so those Bluetooth-supported ones. 5G might be able to let these smart devices become standalone ones and with stronger connection and much faster data transmission, which might improve the efficiency in communication and other aspects. For people with disabilities like vision-impaired groups, 5G’s function is similar to its function in autonomous driving. The camera headset can provide vision function for computation, and the cloud computing will send back results and orders to the headset so that the device can provide instructions for users. The transmission to/from cloud computing has a strict requirement in speed in order to provide accurate, on-time, and safe instructions.
Above aspects are based on what the world currently has and there might be new industries and applications coming due to the network’s upgrade. From hundreds of years ago, the telecommunication has changed the way of how people live. The network's improvements allow not only cross-ocean talk, but the connection between the earth and the Space Station. From the depth, from the brick-like portable phone to current smartphone, from sending text only to nowadays' cloud computation, the reformation introduced by network's upgrade impacts everyone's life unforeseeably. The “Internet+” will be applied to a thorough and compressive degree along with the capability of cloud technologies and a solid network foundation. What could be more is yet to be discovered, but it is certain will be more than we can imagine.