Financials , Healthcare Author:Feng An May 03, 2019 04:34 PM (GMT+8)

EqualOean's honoured to announce LANG Yongchun's confirmed attendance at our collaboration forum with Germany and the United States.

LANG Yongchun. PHOTO: Credit to EO

EO Company/EqualOcean and Shanghai Youth Federation jointly organizes 2019 Global New Economy Conference. The meeting will be held in Hongqiao, Shanghai on the 12-14th of June.

LANG Yongchun (郎永淳), senior vice president and chief strategy officer of (找钢网), confirmed to attend the Global New Economy Conference 2019 and give a keynote speech.

The conference will highlight the new era of scientific innovation and how it will lead to an intelligence-driven economy and discuss the emerging developmental trends of Chinese industries. Key topics include 5G, New Energy, and Intelligent Manufacturing. More than 5,000 participants from around the world are expected to attend. The Ministry and Shanghai Government will also, as well.

About LANG Yongchun

LANG Yongchun was born in 1971 in Suining, Jiangsu province. In 1989, he was admitted to Nanjing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine to study acupuncture and served as the President of the student union of the university.

After graduation, he was admitted to the Communication University of China to study broadcasting and hosting. Currently, he is Senior Vice President and Chief Strategy Officer of, and Vice Director of the 'Internet +' research and consulting centre of Internet society of China. On August 7, 2018, he was appointed as the " nuclear science ambassador" by CGN (中广核).

LANG said in an interview that all traditional industries, including steel, are less internet-oriented. The biggest advantage of the Internet is that it can solve the problem of information asymmetry. hopes to improve efficiency by solving information asymmetry, thus solving the problem of fairness and promoting mutual trust between businesses.

Based on the profound understanding of the relationship between the Internet and traditional industries, LANG Yongchun will look for the development mode of in the "2019 global new economy annual conference" to interpret the trends and opportunities under the new economy.

EO's 2019 Global New Economy Conference

Curious about 5G, IoT, artificial intelligence, autonomous driving, and its economic value? Join us for a day as industry experts and leaders and scholars discuss the new era of scientific innovation and how it will lead to an intelligence-driven economy and have various scholars and industry experts discuss emerging developmental trends of Chinese industries.

EO's collaboration conference with Germany and the United States is jointly organized with Shanghai's Changning Youth Federation and taking place at Hongqiao, Shanghai from June 12th, 2019 to June 14th, 2019. 

The forum is held under the guidance of Shanghai's Economy and IT Commission, Municipal Commission of Commerce, and Changing's District Government.

Below are five new concepts to be discussed.

New Technological Drivers

Technological innovation, intelligent manufacturing, and new energy are widely used across various industries. New Technological Drivers are reshaping the industry with artificial intelligence and optimizing production processes. 

New ICT Wave

China is leading the new generation of infrastructure development represented by 5G, which will lead to a global change.

New Paradigm

Multilateral organizations, Belt and Road Initiative and new Chinese-style innovative enterprises are getting more global recognition.

New Capital

The Science and Technology Board is a comprehensive and transparent capital markets platform for Chinese companies. For a stronger economy, capital companies regard everything as an opportunity to invest more. 

New Exploration

New brands, new species, and unique ecology is a remarkable concept. Chinese enterprises strive to find new ways to ensure customer satisfaction.

To tackle these five new concepts, EqualOcean invites Alibaba, Tencent, Huawei, ZTE, Google, Baidu, JD, Meituan, SAIC Motor, Haier, Iflytek, NIO, and other domestic and international AI companies to our conference. Leading AI investment companies such as Sequoia Capital, IDG, Zhen Fund, Gaochun Capital, GGV, Dachen Venture Capital, German Capital, and Linear Capital, will be at the meeting to discuss leadership in science and technology.

More Information

Before, China was being shaped by the market, and most Chinese enterprises were followers of their Western counterparts. Nowadays Chinese companies are pushing for economic growth and industrial innovation, and they are striving to be global leaders.

EqualOcean's 2019 Global New Economy Conference invites more industry leaders and experts from various fields to participate from June 12th to June 14th in Shanghai. For more information regarding this event, please click here: