Healthcare Author:Yusuf Tuna Mar 09, 2020 08:50 PM (GMT+8)

The live webinar takes place on March 15 with participation including experts from varied cutting-edge fields of healthcare.

WIM Salon is a technology and innovation-focused event organized by EqualOcean.

As the outbreak hits Europe and North America, Chinese drugmakers, big-data- and algorithm-driven health tech firms and the country's frontline hospitals have already built up a wealth of know-how on how to tackle the deadly coronavirus.

Join us on March 15 for a special video call with genetic research scientist Monica Sleumer, Medical AI entrepreneur Ryan Hua Zhang and clinical doctor Ruby Wang, in a discussion moderated by EqualOcean analyst Yusuf Tuna, to learn more about China's experience with the outbreak. To stay on top of the medical implications as well as to get one step ahead in your strategic decision-making, see what these informed and engaged experts have to say on the unfolding crisis.

The live webinar happens on Sunday 15th of March 2020 (GMT +8) 7:00 PM
(Convert your time-zone)

About the Speakers

Monica Sleumer, Genetic Scientist

She obtained her Ph.D. in Genetics from the University of British Columbia (Canada) and has been working in Beijing for more than 10 years. She took a post-doctoral fellowship at Tsinghua University in Bioinformatics and now works for Novo Nordisk in the field of data analysis. She is interested in how knowledge graphs can provide context for AI when applied to drug discovery and health services.

Ruby Wang, Clinical Doctor

UK Clinical Doctor with extensive experience within the health tech space in China as a medical advisor at Alibaba and for health tech startups in digital and hardware. Ruby trained and practiced at Cambridge, London, and Oxford, with clinical leadership and management experience in the British Medical Association. Recently an HSBC Fellow at Schwarzman Scholars, an MMSc scholarship program focusing on health, social and technology policy in China, and TEDx Speaker at Tsinghua University.

Ryan Hua Zhang, Healthcare Entrepreneur

He obtained his Ph.D. from the Netherlands Cancer Institute and in 2016 founded LinkingMed, a Beijing-based deep-learning driven medical image analysis firm. Prior to his doctoral degree, he worked for Microsoft’s deep learning lab. He owns eight patents and hosted the Beijing Science & Technology Commission Medical Synergy and Technology Innovation Research Project. 

Topics of Discussion

How is the outbreak changing Chinese consumer attitudes towards healthcare services?

“Hospitals are breeding grounds of the virus,” rumor has it in China. As citizens are stuck at home, visiting the hospital for primary healthcare service is a high-risk operation for most. The country’s already-sophisticated online ‘cyber-health’ firms have seized the opportunity to promote their services. China’s online healthcare market may reach CNY 200 billion (the equivalent of around USD 29bn), a consultancy in Beijing found.

The outbreak erased customer acquisition costs in China for online healthcare providers. Yet, to what extent the situation will exist is still a question to be addressed during the webinar. 

The impact of the virus on healthcare valuations

EqualOcean was among the first to publish in English, the effects of the ‘mysterious virus’ on the stock market on January 20, when the virus had claimed only three lives.

Since then, Chinese vaccine-maker stocks, online healthcare-related firms, insurance stocks, and numerous stocks have outperformed the index. Yet the future is more or less unknown. Our guests will try to shed more light on particularly what subsectors will be creating value in diagnosis, treatment, and immunization in the coming period. 

Technical solutions provided by the Chinese in dealing with the outbreak in China

From diagnosis to treatment, Chinese firms have tried a plethora of techniques to tackle the deadly virus. Some private and public Chinese companies have provided the utmost sophisticated techniques to diagnose the virus via deep-learning-based medical imaging analysis or to treat it through different medicines on the market. Our guests will discuss the issue in-depth.

Regulatory support and obstacles China's healthcare investors should expect from the regulators in 2020

From government stimulus plans to exemption of some medicals products from the trade tariffs, healthcare will continue to be one of the most regulated industries in China.

To foresee what’s coming for healthcare is going to be particularly important for health tech and drug developing related investments in China. China’s FDA, NMPA, has changed the entire industry in the last two to three years and the issue will continue to be among those aspects to keep tabs on in 2020.

The global spread of the virus and Chinese companies' ability to help countries like Iran, Italy and South Korea

In the middle of February, when the outbreak was at its peak, China was preparing for the worst, which is providing supplies for millions. Meanwhile, medical equipment makers, diagnostic kit developers, and drug developers have been working above their capacity to address the crisis.

Nowadays, countries like Italy and Iran, and presumably more to come, are struggling with shortages and excess demand. Our guests are going to build a perspective on how Chinese companies can possibly help, to alleviate the crises outside China.


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