Automotive Author:Huilin Zhou Editor:Beibei Wei Sep 07, 2022 05:51 PM (GMT+8)

Digital data solutions provider Konvery receives tens of millions of CNY in the angel round at a time when rapid development in autonomous driving poses higher demand for data processing.

auto data service

auto data service

On September 5, digital data solutions startup Konvery (Chinese: 恺望数据) successfully raised an angel round of strategic financing worth tens of millions of CNY from Estar Capital (Chinese: 辰韬资本), Sany Group (Chinese: 三一集团) and Stream Hill Angels (Chinese: 溪山天使汇). It is said that this round of financing will be used for team building and technology R&D, as well as the development of data service platforms that could efficiently deal with large quantities of data generated from autonomous driving processes.

Founded in February 2022, Konvery is dedicated to providing one-stop data solutions for auto companies, especially those aiming to develop autonomous driving cars. Well aware of how complicated data entry procedures and unstable, inefficient data processing would hinder a company's development in a digitalized world, it endeavors to transform the way data is collected and processed from traditional manual work into a standardized, automated one, thus improving the efficiency and reducing the costs of data processing. This is expected to greatly facilitate the development of automatic driving.

Currently, Konvery has established cooperation with its strategic investor Sany Group in data services for autonomous driving. The company also provides data services to Jidu Auto (Chinese: 集度汽车), ByteDance, ECARX (Chinese: 亿咖通), Deeproute. Ai (Chinese: 元戎启行), Horizon Robotics (Chinese: 地平线), Cambricon (Chinese: 寒武纪), Sinoiov (Chinese: 中交兴路), Megvii (Chinese: 旷视科技) and Sensetime (Chinese: 商汤科技).