Automotive Author:Kaiwen Li Editor:Ziying Wu Mar 07, 2023 09:49 PM (GMT+8)

Exceeddata received Series A2 funding from SenseTime AI fund at the end of December 2022 and completed the delivery recently. This round of financing was mainly used for the R&D and sales of automotive cloud databases and data intelligence applications.


Automotive cloud computing company Exceeddata (Chinese: 智协慧同) received Series A2 funding from SenseTime AI fund (Chinese: 商汤国香资本) at the end of December 2022 and completed the delivery recently. This round of financing was mainly used for the R&D and sales of automotive cloud databases and data intelligence applications.

In August 2022, Exceeddat received tens of millions of yuan in A1 round financing, led by BeFore Capital (Chinese: 彬复资本),  followed by MLI Fund (Chinese: 瑞穗力合基金), old shareholders Leaguer Capital(Chinese: 力合资本) , and Rock Sparrow Investment (Chinese: 石雀投资).

Founded in 2017, Exceeddata is a cloud database for intelligent vehicles, based on automotive cloud data middleware such as vehicle-end embedded database and automotive cloud computing engine, and works together with ecological partners to help OEMs create various data closure solutions such as autonomous driving, smart cockpit, smart calibration and smart diagnosis.

EXCEEDDATA's automotive-cloud integrated database can collect the corner case data encountered by the vehicle based on the vehicle-end edge computing engine with little computing power, helping the system to iteratively select more valuable data. Compared with the traditional Internet of Vehicles, the efficiency of its tool chain is increased dozens of times, and the cost is reduced by more than 85%.

In addition to autonomous driving, the EXCEEDDATA automotive cloud database can also be used in the field of intelligent cockpits such as intelligent air conditioning strategies, as well as in scenarios such as intelligent vehicle calibration and intelligent vehicle diagnostics.