Healthcare , Technology , Financials Author:Cao Wenbo Jul 15, 2019 01:35 PM (GMT+8)

According to LetsGoDigital, Huawei applied to the European Union Intellectual Property Office for a trademark called Harmony.

Image credit: Huawei website

According to LetsGoDigital, Huawei applied to the European Union Intellectual Property Office for a trademark called Harmony on July 12. This trademark may be the official overseas name of its self-developed operating system Hongmeng.

The same day, Huawei also submitted the same application to the IPO in the U.K. For now, these two applications are still under consideration.

Hongmeng is an operating system developed by Huawei. It came out when the trade war between the U.S. and China heated up and Google suspended some business with the company.

According to Financial Times, Huawei has been working on Hongmeng for at least 7 years. This OS, as Ren Zhengfei (任正非) said, is useful for “IoT-enabled automated production” and “a world where everything is connected and intelligent”.

At the press conference on July 12, Liang Hua (梁华), chairman of Huawei, said Hongmeng was “developed for IoT” and whether it would evolve towards a mobile OS was “uncertain”.

However, the two applications submitted the same day mentioned both “mobile operating systems” and “computer operating systems”. It seems like that Huawei will continue to test and improve Hongmeng since the pressure from the U.S still exists.

Compared with IOS or Android, there is still a long way to go for Hongmeng. The lack of app ecosystem will take it a lot of time to become a mature and competitive OS.