Technology Author:Sirui Zhou Aug 15, 2019 04:33 PM (GMT+8)

The deal between voice recognition giant and CCTV.COM is to implement the strategic layout of "5G+4K+AI" of the China Media Group, an institution directly under the State Council. 

Photo by Donald Tong from Pexels

AI company iFLYTEK has signed a cooperation agreement with national web-based TV broadcaster CCTV.COM, subsidiary of China Central Television, to build AI editorial department on August 13, 2019. 

The deal between voice recognition giant and CCTV.COM is to implement the strategic layout of "5G+4K+AI" of the China Media Group, an institution directly under the State Council. 

This agreement will lead the two parties to focus on intelligent terminal devices, AI media applications and the integration of software and hardware to enable AI capabilities in every possible media scenario. 

CCTV is increasing the cooperation with top AI technology organization to speed up the construction of AI editorial department, consisting of functions including content generation, operation, recommendation and scrutiny processes. 

This July, has cooperated with Baidu to build an AI media research center. It has also worked with Alibaba Cloud to build the data platform. So far, over 10 billion data is processed on a daily basis.