Technology Author:Yunfeng Zhang Apr 21, 2023 12:08 AM (GMT+8)

On April 19, ChuHang Tech(Chinese: 楚航科技) held a new product conference at the Shanghai Auto Show, and for the first time introduced the latest forward-looking R&D Nth generation innovative product - Stealth Radar ART.

ChuHang Tech

ChuHang Tech has achieved the localized replacement of the full line of 5th-generation mass production radar products and 5th+ generation 4D imaging radar products. The 6th generation of innovative radar products and technologies, which were unveiled for the first time at this auto show, was also introduced at the same time, further demonstrating ChuHang Tech's leadership in the development and mass production of high-frequency band millimeter wave radar.

As a pioneer of domestic autonomous driving sensor technology, ChuHang Tech always insists on forward-looking product deployment and reliable quality first system. The invisible radar ART launched at this conference redefines the physical form of millimeter wave radar in vehicles and provides a disruptive technology route for product design in the industry.

At present, ChuHang Tech's fifth-generation mass production millimeter wave radar products have achieved cooperation with more than 30 OEMs and are equipped on more than 50 models. The localization replacement of ChuHang Tech's fifth-generation mass production products has broken the monopoly of overseas Tier1 technology, accelerated the rapid popularization of China's autonomous driving technology, given China more discourse and independent control in the field of intelligent perception, and promoted the commercial application of intelligent perception technology in the Chinese market.

Based on solid product mass production strength and forward-looking innovative technology R&D, ChuHang Tech is also further pursuing the R&D process of overseas millimeter wave radar, accelerating the replacement of 6th/7th generation radar products, striving to advance the development of radar software and hardware decoupling technology, target fusion and other technologies, and making satellite radar layout, promoting the innovative iteration of R&D module platform management and system integration technology to reduce cost and improve efficiency.

ChuHang Tech has successfully entered the supply system of a famous German car company and is docking European projects while starting business cooperation with Japanese, Korean and Southeast Asian companies to gradually go to the international market.

With the accelerated industrialization of 5th+, 6th and Nth generation radar products and the completion of Shanghai Intelligent Factory with an annual production capacity of 5 million units by the end of this year, ChuHang Tech will rapidly complete the transformation from "domestic replacement" to "domestic surpassing". The metamorphosis from "domestic substitution" to "domestic surpassing" will be completed quickly. In the future, ChuHang Tech will deepen its efforts in the field of autonomous driving, and also expand into the fields of smart transportation, smart city and artificial intelligence, building a complete sensor map for the upstream and downstream of the industry to provide customers with more localized and innovative integrated sensor solutions.