Technology Author:Notrice Apr 17, 2024 06:20 PM (GMT+8)

EqualOcean has learned that on April 16th, Knowdee Intelligence(诺谛智能), a company focusing on the "AI + Manufacturing" sector, has successfully completed its Pre-A round of financing. This round of financing was led by Summitview Capital(武岳峰科创), with follow-up investments from Trilobite Venture Capital(三叶虫创投) and Tsingzhi Capital(清智资本), along with additional investment from Lenovo Group(联想集团), totaling nearly CNY 100 million.

artificial intelligence

It is understood that this financing will mainly be used by Knowdee Intelligence to continuously optimize and iterate its industry-leading models, aiming to solve industry issues in the "AI + Manufacturing" scenario, further perfect solutions, expand market share, and introduce more outstanding talents.

Established on October 18th, 2021, Knowdee Intelligence is a new-generation cognitive and decision-making artificial intelligence enterprise incubated by Lenovo Group. It possesses the world's leading industry large-scale model "Pivot". Its mission is to transform and upgrade the manufacturing industry with advanced artificial intelligence technology, helping to reduce costs, improve the level of intelligence, and enhance operational decision-making efficiency in manufacturing. Headquartered in China, the company serves globally.

Artificial intelligence plays an increasingly important role in China's economic development. As of 2023, the number of artificial intelligence-related companies in China has reached 9,183, ranking second among major countries globally, second only to the United States.

According to the "2024 Artificial Intelligence Development White Paper" released by the Shenzhen Artificial Intelligence Industry Association based on data from 2023, the core industrial scale of artificial intelligence in China reached CNY 175.1 billion in 2023, an increase of 11.9% year-on-year. The number of patent applications for artificial intelligence inventions is close to 80,000, maintaining a high level.

Currently, some leading artificial intelligence companies in China include Baidu(百度), iFlytek(科大讯飞), 360 Group(360集团), Huawei(华为), among others. In the segmented AIGC field, some Chinese unicorn companies such as Zhupu AI(智谱AI), MiniMax, Baichuan Intelligent Technology(百川智能), 01.AI(零一万物), and AgiBOT(智元机器人) have also performed well.

Knowdee Intelligence has successfully practiced in nearly a hundred manufacturing sectors, including 3C manufacturing, new energy, aerospace, and dairy products, saving customers CNY multiple billions in costs and creating higher economic and social value. The company also pioneered the use of a performance-based billing business model, with a customer repurchase rate exceeding 80% to date.