DiDi first launched its "DiDi escort", a safe driving system, in 2017. The system can detect the driver's driving behaviour by analyzing the mobile phone sensor, gyroscope, GPS and other information.

At the Suzhou Intelligent Expo in 2019, DiDi showed its security solution to use AI (artificial intelligence ) technology to constrain the safety of ride-hailing platforms: a real-time collection of in-car voice, GPS location, face images and other information, and strict control of drivers.
DiDi also showcased the recent progress in AI technology in the field of security, including the newly upgraded intelligent driving safety platform and the debut of the visualized full-process safety management system.
Analyze Driving Behavior through Multidimensional Data
"As a technology company providing Mobility services, the company continues to further guarantee travel safety and improve travel experience through traffic big data research and artificial intelligence research and development." According to DiDi.
The intelligent voice system, shown to the media, can process the conversations between drivers and passengers in real time, and the recognition response time is no more than 200 ms.
DiDi first launched its "DiDi escort", a safe driving system, in 2017. The system can detect the driver's driving behaviour by analyzing the mobile phone sensor, gyroscope, GPS and other information. The newly upgraded intelligent driving safety platform adds voice and vehicle-mounted image data to the data application, which can provide more comprehensive and rich driving behaviour judgment through speech recognition, image recognition and multimedia big data analysis and prediction and other capabilities.
The Security Management Process is Clear
For the first time, DiDi demonstrated the visualized whole process security management system independently developed by the company. The system makes comprehensive use of multi-department safety management data and police-enterprise cooperation connection data and can carry out whole-process safety monitoring before, during and after the trip.
Visitors to the exhibition can have a clear understanding of the comprehensive platform security management process, such as driver access process, three certificates, daily face recognition, order track tracking, network attack defence, customer service incoming line, driver safety education and so on, through the screen demonstration.
At present, the visual management system has been applied to DiDi daily safety warning management.
According to DiDi, since the security offensive was launched in September last year, DiDi Chuxing has upgraded and launched multiple security functions inside the passenger terminal, including one-click alarm, trip recording, and route deviation warning.
The company also insists on conducting extensive communication with the public on safety issues and actively listening to the opinions of all parties. It hopes to make the platform security management process more open and transparent while using technology to improve safety.