ChatGPT China Version is Here, Baidu and Ali Have Announced Their Entry

Technology Author: Yunfeng Zhang, Qinqie He Feb 09, 2023 06:25 PM (GMT+8)

ChatGPT, a new version of chatbot developed by Open AI, has recently become a hit. Overseas tech giants such as Microsoft and Google are speeding up their layout in this area, while domestic leading tech companies such as Baidu and Ali are in the midst of planning, trying to catch this trend of technology caused by ChatGPT.

Domestic chip

On the evening of February 8, it was reported that Ali Damo Academy is developing ChatGPT-like conversation bots, and from the exposed screenshots, Alibaba may combine AI big model technology with Ding Talk productivity tools in depth. For the news that Ali Damo Academy is developing ChatGPT-like conversation bots, the relevant person in charge of Ali Cloud replied that it is indeed under development and is currently in the internal testing stage.

On February 7, Baidu officially confirmed that it will release a ChatGPT-like project called ERNIE Bot. The first stop will be direct access to Baidu search, and at present the relevant functions of ERNIE Bot have been online or tested in Baidu search, including multi-answer replies, intelligent generation and so on. It is worth mentioning that Baidu CEO Robin Li's OKR key task for the first quarter of 2023 was revealed on February 8, with the content "to lead the generational change of search experience".

Whether it is the integration of ChatGPT into Ding Talk or access to Baidu's search engine, it is intuitive to reflect that the combination of this technology tool with their own current characteristic business modules is the dominant direction of domestic technology giants at present.

In the field of AI dialog robots, domestic and foreign technology giants show the trend of catching up with each other, and the industry shows a bright development prospect. Recently, this optimism has also spread to the capital market, causing related concept stocks to rise sharply. Investors believe that the widespread application of ChatGPT will bring investment opportunities to mega-platform-based technology companies and AI technology companies in the underlying arithmetic layout.