Consumer Staples Author:Di Chen Oct 23, 2023 08:12 PM (GMT+8)

Recently, the international authoritative index institution MSCI (Morgan Stanley Capital International) announced the latest ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) rating results for Vipshop, elevating Vipshop's ESG rating from "A" to "AA," marking it as an industry leader.


MSCI is one of the world's most authoritative ESG index rating institutions, and its ratings have become the mainstream reference for international capital markets. The MSCI-ESG rating encompasses industry leaders (AAA, AA), industry averages (A, BBB, BB), and laggards (B, CCC). This rating upgrade reflects the high recognition of Vipshop's ESG management achievements in the international capital market and serves as full affirmation of its long-term sustainable development capabilities.

Vipshop's 2022 ESG report, published this year, reveals that Vipshop has established a three-tier governance system consisting of the Board of Directors, ESG Committee, and ESG Working Group. It has set a goal of "Creating a Sustainable New Life" and is exploring the path to sustainable development across five dimensions: sustainable choices, happy consumption, vibrant inclusivity, a better society, and building trust.

In response to climate change, Vipshop has laid out its carbon neutrality plan, committing to "achieve carbon neutrality in its operations by no later than 2030 and reduce the carbon intensity of category three emissions by 50% by no later than 2030."

In terms of carbon reduction, Vipshop is comprehensively examining the carbon reduction capabilities along the entire value chain, focusing on areas such as energy efficiency improvements and energy structure transformation. It is driving energy conservation and emissions reduction in multiple scenarios and leveraging its role as a platform-type enterprise to involve more consumers, partners, and other value chain members in creating a green and low-carbon ecosystem.

Regarding social responsibility, Vipshop has long adhered to the philanthropic philosophy of "Simplicity, Sincerity, and Compassion." Leveraging its business characteristics, Vipshop focuses on areas such as women's empowerment, rural revitalization, and caring for vulnerable groups. It collaborates with various stakeholders to establish several sustainable charity brands, including Vipshop Mom and Vipshop Heart Charity Program.

"Vipshop deeply integrates the ESG principles into our corporate strategy and business processes. We will take this rating upgrade as an opportunity to continue working with stakeholders to jointly explore a more environmentally friendly and human-friendly path of sustainable development, creating a more resilient future.", A representative of Vipshop, stated.