Technology Nov 28, 2021 07:48 PM (GMT+8) · EqualOcean
Financial Associated Press, November 28 - according to Nikkei Shimbun, Japan Aerospace Research and Development Agency (JAXA) plans to start developing reusable launch vehicles or conduct its first test launch in 2030. According to sources, up to 30 Japanese enterprises may participate in the project, including Mitsubishi Heavy Industry and aviation giant All Nippon Airways Holdings Co., Ltd. JAXA expects the prototype of reusable launch vehicle to be available in 2026. The launch cost of the rocket is expected to be about 600 billion yen (about 53 million US dollars). The report points out that R & D personnel need to develop the navigation technology required for the first stage of the rocket to return to earth, solve the problem of how to deal with the remaining fuel and reduce the weight of the rocket.