Healthcare Feb 16, 2022 02:50 PM (GMT+8) · EqualOcean
Yiouda health news on February 16. Recently, Oumi of West Lake signed a memorandum of cooperation with Huanyi biology. The two sides will combine their own advantages, starting from proteomics and metabolomics, combined with AI + system immunoassay technology, jointly promote the research and development of clinical multi omics diagnostic products in the fields related to tumors and immune diseases, provide biomarker and target oriented new drug research and development services to pharmaceutical enterprises, and provide AI enabled accurate diagnosis and treatment solutions for patients. In this cooperation, the two sides will integrate their own resources, technologies and experience, subdivide the beneficiary population, and develop relevant new biomarkers and therapeutic targets. By combining the proteomics and metabolomics data generation and analysis capabilities of West Lake Oumi, as well as the immune knowledge map independently built by Huanyi biology, multi omics data integration and analysis, AI mechanism modeling and other cutting-edge technologies, the two sides complement each other, jointly solve the complex scientific challenges in R & D, and improve R & D efficiency and success rate.