Jun 26, 2022 11:35 AM (GMT+8) · EqualOcean
[the total market value of the four head stable coins exceeded Ethereum for the first time] according to the golden finance report, according to the latest analysis data of blockchain analysis company glassnode, the total market value of the first four stable coins (usdt, usdc, bus and Dai) has exceeded the market value of Ethereum, which is $3billion higher than the latter. During the whole period of 2020-22, the total market value of the top four stable coins has reached 50% of the market value of Ethereum for many times. However, a significant breakthrough occurred in May and June this year, which is the first such event. Since the beginning of May, the total redemption amount of stable currency outflow from the market has been US $9.92 billion. Usdt had the largest redemption volume of US $13billion, followed by Dai with us $2billion, as investors chose to end the leverage (or be liquidated) obtained through the makerdao vault. In addition, since May 1, the supply of usdc has increased by 5billion US dollars, indicating that the market's preference for stable currency may shift from usdt to usdc.