Blockchain, China's Story

Blockchain, China's Story

Blockchain, China's Story

Financials, Automotive, Healthcare Author: Shuhong Chenli Mar 19, 2020 04:05 PM (GMT+8)

ContributorsIvan Platonov

EditorLuke Sheehan


CopyrightEqualOcean Intelligence

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This report dissects the budding blockchain ecosystem emerging from the Chinese state's embrace of the new technology. From key industry trends and growth engines to the main players' new business models -- EqualOcean presents the whole picture of China's blockchain story.


  • Over 70% of projects that died in 2019 did not survive their first year
  • Most of them were cryptocurrency scams or public blockchains that had insufficient business models
  • Permission blockchain providers were sitting relatively comfortably
  • It took China less than five years to reach the phase of relative maturity in blockchain
  • The country is using a ‘carrot and stick’ approach to develop blockchain capabilities


  • 1 Introduction
  • 2 Reshuffling the deck
  • 3 In a nutshell
  • 4 More than feng shui
  • 5 Nails for the new hammer
  • 6 Big tech in the big game
  • 7 Rivers to cross

In this report


To win from China's blockchain push


blockchain companies are facing in the country

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