India, as the second-largest smartphone market following China, is one of the most affected by the spread of COVID-19, with a 48% decline in the second quarter of 2020.

The following is part of the Indian smartphone market 1H review. For more analysis please follow the EqualOcean analysis.
► The unfavorable market sentiment for Chinese brands in India might hamper the further growth of China-based smartphone vendors, as the market leader Xiaomi (01810:HKEX) hardly saw growth while Samsung (005930:KR) grabs 10% more of the total market compared to the first quarter in 2020.
► Samsung’s fast recovery to the pre-COVID level is partly due to the recent conflict between China and India and partly due to the company’s diverse and inhouse supply chain that helps it avoid product delays caused by lockdowns.
► Samsung targets Xiaomi by widening its price range and attaching special emphasis on the price-efficiency for its lower-priced smartphones. At the current stage, Samsung has the lowest price for smartphones, at Rs 6,000 – the high-end specs see prices going up to around Rs 1,000,000, topping the price coverage in the Indian market.