Automotive Nov 25, 2020 10:01 AM (GMT+8) · EqualOcean
On November 25, Wenyuan Zhixing robotaxi, China's first fully open self driving taxi service, announced its first anniversary report card: 147128 trips were completed safely, more than 60000 users served, and no active liability accidents occurred. On the first anniversary of its operation, Wenyuan Zhixing and the Transportation Research Institute of Tsinghua University jointly released the first robotaxi passenger survey report in China. According to the report, robotaxi has accumulated nearly 30% of its loyal users, taking Wenyuan Zhixing's self driving taxis at least once a week, of which 15% take three or more times a week. 37% of the passengers surveyed said they could take the fully unmanned robotaxi "now" and 39% thought that they could take the fully unmanned robotaxi one year later. Young and middle-aged groups are the main passengers of Wenyuan Zhixing robotaxi. Nearly 90% of them are full-time employees. Nearly 80% of them have bachelor's degree or above, and most of them have driver's license. Most of these passengers come from the traditional taxi / online booking market. Nearly 60% of passengers use Wenyuan Zhixing robotaxi for daily commuting.