Automotive Dec 03, 2020 12:28 PM (GMT+8) · EqualOcean
On December 3, autox announced China's first robotaxi fleet, which is completely unmanned and has no remote control. It also released videos of robotaxi completely unmanned on the busy open roads in Shenzhen. It is understood that the first batch of fully unmanned robotaxi fleet released by autox is a total of 25 vehicles, all of which are FCA Chrysler Jielong models, which are the same models as waymo's large-scale all unmanned driving model for public operation in the United States. This is also the first batch of automatic driving teams in China that meet the requirements of unmanned safety from vehicle hardware to unmanned driving system, and can carry out large-scale unmanned deployment. In the video, autox's 25 unmanned vehicles drive autonomously on busy streets in Shenzhen, bypassing roadblocks and zebra crossing to yield to pedestrians to achieve large-scale unmanned driving. This time, the robotaxi fleet released by autox integrates autox's fifth generation sensor system and carries domestic high-resolution lidar and camera to ensure accuracy perception from the hardware and software level. At the same time, the car integrates the core safety hardware modules, such as multi-sensor hardware level synchronous fusion module independently developed by autox, to achieve the integrated design of software and hardware. By referring to the design standards and development process of vehicle regulatory level hardware, after strict hardware in the loop and vehicle in the loop testing, from EVT, DVT, PVT, and finally all unmanned quality testing. At present, autox has obtained automatic driving license from Shenzhen, Shanghai, Wuhan, Guangzhou and other cities, and has carried out large-scale test operation in five cities around the world.