Dec 14, 2020 10:37 AM (GMT+8) · EqualOcean
In December, the first batch of e-commerce enterprises in the U.S. was launched to help the first batch of e-commerce enterprises in the U.S. on December 14, the first batch of e-commerce enterprises in the United States were launched to help them grow. After using the blue-v merchant number, the merchants can actively release store dynamics, reach potential customers and transform intended users through high-quality content. From the specific transformation path, merchants can attract target users to the store through the following two ways: on the one hand, consumers can directly click to visit the store details page after seeing the news released by the merchants, and then trigger the subsequent behavior of going to the store; on the other hand, users can also pay attention to the merchants and interact with the merchants in the application, and the merchants can guide the consumers through private letters The fee goes to the store.
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