Consumer Staples Jun 22, 2021 12:02 AM (GMT+8) · EqualOcean
According to the latest data from the Ministry of agriculture and rural areas, in the third week of June, the national price of live pigs was 15.13 yuan per kilogram, down 6.8% from last week and 50.9% from the same period last year. Xin Guochang, the second level inspector of animal husbandry and Veterinary Bureau of the Ministry of agriculture and rural areas, said that now some pig farmers have begun to "exchange quality for quantity" and speed up the elimination of low yield and fertile sows. According to the monitoring of designated slaughtering enterprises, from January to May this year, 3.454 million fertile sows were eliminated nationwide, a year-on-year increase of 108%. The population structure of fertile sows has been optimized, and the proportion of fertile sows has dropped from 22% at the end of last year to about 12%.