Financials Aug 24, 2021 07:11 PM (GMT+8) · EqualOcean
Financial Associated Press, August 24 (Xinhua) -- after the first round of auction of 126 million shares of Changsha bank held by Xinhualian construction, the second round of auction was successful. On August 21, Jingdong auction network showed that 126 million shares of Bank of Changsha held by new Hualian construction (accounting for 3.14% of the shares of Bank of Changsha) had been successfully auctioned and auctioned by Hunan Valin Iron and Steel Group Co., Ltd. at a cost of 921 million yuan. On August 24, Alibaba auction network showed that the 5.253 million shares of Bank of Changsha held by Xinhualian oil had been successfully auctioned, which was auctioned by property Zhongda Metal Group Co., Ltd., accounting for 0.13% of the shares of Bank of Changsha, and the final transaction price was 41.5228 million yuan. In addition, 47 million shares of Bank of Changsha held by Xinhualian oil were sold.
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