Technology Dec 21, 2021 03:43 PM (GMT+8) · EqualOcean
On December 21, the Institute of financial strategy of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, the information center of the Ministry of agriculture and rural areas and JD science and technology jointly released the white paper on Digital Smart countryside (2021), which deeply expounded the concept of digital smart countryside for the first time, and released China's first digital & Intelligent rural index (diri). With the support of JD cloud technology, JD technology has advanced into the field of digital intelligence rural construction. After practice all over the country, JDT rural digital intelligence solution has been released for the first time. The plan puts forward the digital intelligence village concept vision and strategic direction of "building a new rural infrastructure represented by the rural digital intelligence operating system, creating three solutions of digital intelligence of rural industry, modernization of rural governance and intelligence of rural life, and activating and driving the circular flow of five key elements of information flow, business flow, logistics, capital flow and talent flow". Liu Xianzhi, head of digital intelligence rural business of Jingdong technology, said that Jingdong technology will fully release the supporting role of the "one base and three modernizations" rural digital intelligence service system, work with the government to jointly promote the "five townships" actions of technology entering the countryside, agriculture and Commerce prospering the countryside, agricultural products going out of the countryside, finance to the countryside and talents returning to the countryside, so as to comprehensively help rural revitalization.
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