Apr 26, 2022 07:31 PM (GMT+8) · EqualOcean
Driven by cutting-edge technologies such as big data and based on the continuous iteration and renewal of Internet technology, the scale of China's recruitment digital market will continue to expand, and the mode of online recruitment has gradually transitioned to digitization. It is the general trend to provide intelligent solutions for enterprise recruitment. Maiya sugar recruitment ATS integrates many years of implementation experience and customer needs of boljie digital technology group, empowers human resource management with science and technology, and is based on omni-channel, social and full staff recruitment services. It can solve the difficulties faced by enterprises in recruitment management in multiple directions, help enterprise human resource managers carry out their work calmly, help enterprises establish their own talent pool, improve talent competitiveness and resist the changing industry environment. The core functions of omni-channel aggregation management, intelligent resume analysis, automation of the whole recruitment process, talent pool construction and data report cover all links of recruitment management, such as employment demand management, release of recruitment information, intelligent person post matching, video interview, establishment of enterprise talent pool, interview process management and evaluation of interview results, so as to realize the comprehensive management of enterprise recruitment process.