The 20th ChinaJoy(中国国际数码互动娱乐展览会), an international digital interactive entertainment exhibition, will be held from July 28th to July 31st at the Shanghai New International Expo Center. The event will feature multiple exhibitions and conferences focusing on key themes such as the globalization and internationalization of China's gaming industry. It is reported that nearly 500 companies from 22 countries and regions will participate in this year's exhibition.

As one of the most renowned and influential annual events in the global digital entertainment industry, ChinaJoy covers a wide range of fields, including gaming, animation, internet film and television, internet music, online literature, esports, trendy toys, intelligent entertainment software, and hardware. The exhibition will comprehensively showcase the global development of China's digital entertainment industry powered by new technologies and display cutting-edge achievements from the global digital entertainment industry.
This year's ChinaJoy marks the "Year of AI Explosion," and the exhibition will fully demonstrate and explore the innovative achievements of AI technology empowering the gaming and digital entertainment industry. Various AI applications and products, such as AIGC, ChatGPT, and Midjourney, will be extensively showcased in exhibitions, conferences, activities, and promotions.
According to EqualOcean, this ChinaJoy will host multiple globally themed exhibitions and conferences, including the Global Smart Entertainment Hardware Expo(esmart,国际智能娱乐硬件展览会),Comic & Animation World Amazing Expo(CAWAE,中国国际动漫及衍生品授权展览会), and China Digital Entertainment Congress(CDEC,中国国际数字娱乐产业大会), focusing on internationally-oriented topics related to gaming hardware and gaming IPs.
Furthermore, as the 20th-anniversary celebration, this year's ChinaJoy will be upgraded to closely align with the development and advancement of the digital entertainment industry. Hot technologies and fields, such as the Metaverse, 5G, cloud gaming, artificial intelligence, as well as virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR), and mixed reality (XR) entertainment products, will be splendidly presented at the exhibition.
Global Smart Entertainment Hardware Expo to Focus on the Latest Trends in International Entertainment Hardware
The 7th Global Smart Entertainment Hardware Expo (eSmart) will be held from July 28th to July 31st, 2023, at the Shanghai New International Expo Center, presenting a spectacular showcase. This edition of eSmart aims to lead the trend of smart entertainment hardware and provide the latest, most stylish, and coolest smart entertainment experiences for players.
The exhibition area will showcase cutting-edge technology products under the 5G environment, including high-performance mobile hardware, multimedia intelligent hardware, and innovative entertainment hardware carriers for VR/AR/MR. Various intelligent entertainment hardware companies will come together, such as Samsung Storage, VR game developer Fantian Interactive Entertainment, game development company ZhanYin Interactive, and emerging imaging cleaning company VSGO Micro-high, to create an excellent experiential stage for audiences worldwide.
China Digital Entertainment Congress to focus on New Technological Landscape in the Global Digital Entertainment Industry
The concurrent China Digital Entertainment Congress (CDEC) has always received high attention and active participation from the Chinese government authorities responsible for the digital publishing industry. It has attracted numerous well-known companies from both China and abroad, including MOONTON(沐瞳科技), Yilan Science and Technology(一览科技), Huace Film&tv(华策影视), Ximalaya(喜马拉雅), Seasun Entertainment(西山居), and Microsoft, among others. As the main forum event of ChinaJoy, CDEC will focus on three core themes: industry entertainment trends, IP value, and cutting-edge technology, showcasing new forms of mass entertainment and entertainment consumption.
Furthermore, cloud computing is undergoing a critical transformation, with AI-powered technologies like ChatGPT constantly challenging traditional creative methods in the entertainment industry. The advantages of multi-cloud provide enterprises with new avenues to shorten content creation time and lower innovation barriers, promoting the implementation of "AI+" models in various industries, such as AI+ gaming, AI+ office, AI+ education, and more.
To help businesses thrive amid the wave of new technologies, trends, and opportunities, CDEC has set up a segment titled "Ecology x Trend Reconstruction." Several industry veterans will engage in a roundtable discussion with the theme "How can AI technology empower the creative process in the entertainment industry and achieve cost reduction and efficiency improvement?" They will brainstorm and generate sparks of ideas during the event.