Financials Dec 16, 2021 07:39 AM (GMT+8) · EqualOcean
Cailian news agency, Dec. 16 - the economic daily article pointed out that, to some extent, the essence of the long and short video copyright dispute is a dispute of interests. As an emerging video industry, the interest game between short video and long video such as film and TV series should be guided into a win-win benign competition, rather than a zero sum game. Short video flourishes in the change of communication mode and public interest, but it must not become a killer of the demise of traditional industries. The use of long video works in short video should not be a simplified "taking doctrine", but should abide by due industry rules and established legal rules, the authorization of the authorization and the payment. In order to truly improve the industrial efficiency, we can take advantage of the resource collection advantages of the Internet platform and consider the way of cooperation between platforms to fundamentally open up the copyright authorization and utilization mechanism of works between platforms
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