Automotive, Technology, Healthcare May 24, 2022 05:09 PM (GMT+8) · EqualOcean
According to the announcement of Anhui Construction Engineering Group, the holding subsidiary Anhui Water Resources Development Co., Ltd. (the leader), the consortium of China Railway fourth Bureau Group Co., Ltd. and China Construction northwest design and Research Institute Co., Ltd. won the bid for the EPC project of Rural Revitalization in Sanmenxia urban-rural integration demonstration zone, with a bid price of 2.503 billion yuan. Anhui highway and Bridge Engineering Co., Ltd., a holding subsidiary, won the bid for tj-01 bid section of reconstruction and expansion project of Mingguang Bengbu section of g36 Ningluo expressway, with a bid price of 669 million yuan. Anhui Third Construction Engineering Co., Ltd., a holding subsidiary, won the bid for the Tongda town Erlong resettlement site (phase II) and Tongda town market town resettlement site Project of the river diversion to Huaihe River project, with a bid price of 1.09 billion yuan.