Jun 24, 2022 11:41 AM (GMT+8) · EqualOcean
[coinbase adds support for on chain transactions between polygon and Solana] on June 24, coinbase, an encryption exchange, posted a blog post saying that next month, eligible coinbase customers will be able to send and receive eth, matic and usdc on polygon and usdc on Solana. The polygon integration marks the first time that coinbase has enabled the ability to send and receive these assets on L2. Over time, coinbase will support more tokens and more networks. According to the announcement, it may take about 20 minutes, a $50 gas fee and 10 lengthy steps to purchase NFT on polygon through opensea. Now, coinbase customers can easily explore more Web3 by converting their fiat currencies into eth, matic and usdc and funding their polygon wallets with minimal cost and time.