Technology, Consumer Discretionary, Financials Aug 05, 2021 05:29 PM (GMT+8) · EqualOcean
According to the report released by China integrity international, with the continuous economic recovery, the strength of risk prevention and control has been restored, the debt control of local governments has returned to normal, the special debt management system has been continuously improved, the "control, increase and deposit" of implicit debt has been effectively promoted, and urban investment enterprises, as the main carrier of implicit debt, may face further tightening of the financing environment. According to the report, in the next stage, while the local debt continues to expand, more detailed standardized management policies may continue to be issued; At the same time, as an important carrier of implicit debt, urban investment may further tighten its financing. However, considering that some weak qualified urban investment beliefs may be gradually broken, or relevant policies to deal with the bankruptcy and reorganization of urban investment and stabilize expectations may be issued.
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