Consumer Staples Sep 03, 2021 12:51 PM (GMT+8) · EqualOcean
On September 3, Ruixing coffee announced the signing of freestyle skiing world champion Gu ailing as the brand spokesman. Gu Ailing is known as an 18-year-old talented skiing girl. She has won the gold medal of X Games and won the "double crown" in the Freestyle Skiing World Championships. It is understood that as a coffee brand, Ruixing coffee has launched a variety of products such as raw coconut latte, thick milk latte and meteorite latte. Among them, the single month sales of raw coconut series listed this year exceeded 10 million cups, breaking the sales record of Ruixing's new products. By the end of June 2021, Ruixing had more than 5200 stores nationwide, and the cumulative consumer users had exceeded 75 million.