Consumer Staples Jan 12, 2022 10:58 AM (GMT+8) · EqualOcean
According to an article published on the official website of the China Consumer Association, recently, KFC and bubble mart, a blind box seller, jointly launched the "dimoo co branded blind box package", which has aroused consumers' rush purchase and widespread concern in the society. The China Consumer Association said that as a catering enterprise, KFC's fast food is a commodity for use within a time limit. Buying instant food on demand is the characteristic of this kind of commodity. Usually consumers will not buy in excess. Selling with limited edition blind boxes is to stimulate consumption by means of "hunger marketing", which is easy to lead to consumers' impulse consumption in order to obtain limited edition blind boxes, And unnecessary food waste due to excessive purchase. KFC, as a food operator, uses limited edition blind box sales means to induce and connive at consumers' irrational over purchase of food packages, which is contrary to public order, good customs and legal spirit.
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