Consumer Discretionary Dec 24, 2020 02:09 PM (GMT+8) · EqualOcean
Recently, Yu Minhong, chairman of New Oriental, and Qiao Lei, CEO of Bilin foreign teachers and COO of foreign teachers, recently reported that Mr.Le , together for the year-end celebration of foreign teachers live teaching. It is reported that the year-end ceremony attracted more than 60000 fans to watch online, and the sales volume of the two events exceeded one million. It is reported that New Oriental Bilin foreign teachers is a wholly-owned online English learning brand of New Oriental, which focuses on customizing small classes of international primary school online foreign teachers' courses for Chinese students aged 3-12. In June 2020, Bilin foreign teachers will be officially connected to youzan education. In addition to connecting users, Bilin foreign teachers also operate in the private domain of wechat ecosystem to improve the transaction conversion and repurchase rate of courses. On the one hand, Bilin foreign teachers can promote all kinds of courses through short video, live broadcast, community, group, second kill, referral and other marketing tools to improve parents' purchase intention and conversion rate; on the other hand, Bilin foreign teachers can also sell learning materials, brand peripheral and other physical goods through the stores with praise.
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