Consumer Staples Nov 02, 2021 07:14 AM (GMT+8) · EqualOcean
Combing the three quarterly reports of 19 Baijiu listed companies in A shares, we can see that the total revenue and net profit of the 19 companies have increased by nearly 20% compared with the same period last year. In the first three quarters of this year, in addition to Huangtai liquor, Shunxin agriculture and golden seed liquor, the other 16 liquor enterprises all handed over the transcripts of double growth in revenue and net profit. According to the data of each enterprise, the trend of deep differentiation of Baijiu industry has not changed. In the stock market competition, the strong and strong trend is more obvious, and some regional liquor companies will be more difficult in the future. Whether it is revenue or net profit, Wuliangye and Guizhou Maotai liquor enterprises show strong hematopoietic ability.